DIY Glitterized Light Bulbs for Christmas

We live on a tight budget. I love all things cute. I love decorating the entire house according to the season or holiday. So that whole tight budget thing has really made me get creative with my decorating.

Right now I am starting to plan for Christmas. Of course Christmas is the huge decorating season. I am in decorating paradise at Christmas.

I took a look at my current inventory of decorations. I had a ton of those huge Christmas bulbs that didn’t work. They are so pretty that I hate to throw them out.  So I added a little SnackerDoodle touch to them.

Went to the store. Got some glitter. Oh boy do I love glitter. My husband, on the other hand, hates glitter. He is a good sport though and helps me.

Place the glitter in some baggies. Sandwich bags work great. Take a Christmas bulb and “paint” some glue all over it. I used Mod Podge. Put the bulb in the glitter baggie and gently shake.  It comes out looking like a completely new, sparkly bulb.

Get a long piece of twine, string, or ribbon. Whatever is laying around the house. I had twine. Knot your twine around the base of your bulbs spacing them out equally along the twine.

Now you have a beautiful garland that will sparkle up against the Christmas tree lights.

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